Advanced Reinforcement Learning

Highlighted below are some of the key results of Fractal Brain in the Reinforcement Learning setting. Particular emphasis is put on the data efficiency of the algorithm, its across-domain generality and adaptability towards model drift and resiliency to physical damage to the learned model.

Similarly to a Human Brain, data efficiency of Fractal Brain is considered as not only the number of training examples that the algorithm requires in order to master a given domain, but crucially, the complexity of the examples themselves. That is, the phenomanal data efficiency of the human brain, manifests itself by the brain ability to master a domain even when only a tiny fraction of information from the domain examples is processed by the brain. For example, when recognizing hand-written digits, the eye provides the brain with only a fraction of the high-resolution pixel information from the underlying digits.

As shown below, Fractal Brain image recognition operates using the same principles, requiring only 4% of the visual information to solve the underlying hand-written digit recognition task. To this end, Fractal Brain employs active sensing, that is, it uses RL to discover the optimal saccadic strategies (eye glances) that collect only the minimim necessary information for the task at hand. Remarkably, the optimal saccadic strategies found contain on average only 2.3 saccades, as visualised below.

Fractal Brain active sensing

FractalBrain image recognition using active sensing

Uses 4% of Visual Information on MNIST classification

Trained agent needs ~2.3 saccades / digit = 4% information

The importance of the active sensing mechanism that the Human/Fractal Brain comes equipped with is even more pronounced in real-world domains that are inherently partially observable, that is, when the domain information in its entirety is simply not available to the agent. Examples of such domains range from sesor networks employing active radars to indoor/outdoor humanoid robot navigation. Consider for example a 3D navigation problem (Single room and T-maze below), where the agent only has a partial view of the domain (at its current location) and needs to find a green box. Solving this task requires the Fractal Brain to fuse its 3D navigation strategy (to traverse the maze) and active sensing strategy (to locate the green box within its FOV) - a task that the agent learns to master, as seen below.

Also shown is a real-time visualisation of Fractal Brain inside activity when operating on the 3D navigation tasks at hand. Visibile is a regional arrangement of Fractal Brain compute units (correspoding to cortical micro-columns), each consisting neurons grouped into L1, L2/3, L4, L6 and L6 cortical levels.

Fractal Brain: Outside Activity

Fractal Brain outside activity
Fraclal Brain outside activity

Fractal Brain: Inside Activity

Fraclal Brain inside activity
Fraclal Brain inside activity

One of the key advantages of Fractal Brain is that it provides a general-purpose RL algorithm, rather than a specific-purpose solution (e.g. SLAM for 3D navigation). To illustrate this point, highlighted below are the results of using Fractal Brain (equiped with active sensing) on a suite of diverse, mini Atari-2600 video games. Across all the domains tested (Enduro / Pong / Gathering / Qbert / RiverRaid / SeekAvoid) visible is a strong learning curve of Fractal Brain, with the agent performance converging asymptitivally on the 100% mark. While not shown here, the Fractal Brain RL performs equally well of the suite of classical RL domains from the OpenAI Gym and DeepMind bSuite repositories.





River Raid

Seek Avoid

Finally, what makes Fractal Brain RL unique is the system adaptability to model drift and resiliency to physical damage to the learned model. This is accomplished thanks to the continual expansion and distillation of the underlying Fractal Brain connectome, as outlined here.

Production ready

Production ready

Production ready

We are currently testing Fractal Brain RL in an advanced Starship Landing Simulator. Specifically, we are interested in FractalBrain adaptability to unforseen air density fluctuations and unforseen abnormalities in its propulsion and avionic sub-systems, to expand the overal Starship mission envelopes. Contact us if you are interested in learning more about this case study and its deployment.

FractalBrain Control
Other Methods

landing difficulty = Easy

Fractal Brain

landing difficulty = Hard

Fractal Brain